Pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon

Kids Dentistry

Doing dental treatment in children involves use of psychological and behavioral modification techniques along with dental treatment procedures. A cooperative child following all the instructions during its treatment ensures high success of the treatment. An anxious child can be potentially uncooperative and hence should be dealt with tender, love and care. Various dental problems and their treatments in children are:

Dental caries: caries or blackening of teeth is very common in children due to intake of milk as well high sugar consumption in form of chocolates and sweets. A long standing dental caries can cause pain and discomfort while chewing food and requires urgent attention. The treatment includes removal of affected tooth structure and replacement with fluoride releasing high strength restorative material. In cases with severe infection, pulpectomy (root canal treatment) or tooth extraction is indicated.

Teeth eruption anomalies: anomalies during eruption of permanent teeth are very prevalant. These comprises of delayed eruption of permanent teeth, prolonged retention of milk teeth, missing permanent teeth and displaced permanent teeth. An early detection by our comepetent specialists can intercept the future problem at an early age. The treatment involves extraction of over retained milk teeth, space maintenance for unerupted permanent teeth and placement of specialised appliances in mouth for correction of malposed teeth.

Oral habits: common oral habits seen in children are mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, nail biting, teeth grinding and clenching. All the above habits contribute to loss of tooth structure as well as abnormal effect on growth of dentition and surrounding facial structures. It is essential for your child to schedule a dental visit every 6 months so that a timely interception and correction of developing oral habit can be done to prevent long term adverse effects.

Space maintainers: space maintainers, as the name suggests, are removable or fixed dental appliances that helps in preserving space for unerupted or developing permanent tooth after extraction of milk tooth. The failure to preserve space for permanent tooth often leads to its eruption in abnormal position or often missing tooth. We advise parents to schedule a dental visit for your child with our specialists for timely interception of developing dental abnormalities.

Jaw growth abnormalities: as a part of overall growth, jaws also develop in dimensions like other bones of the body. When there is difference in amount or size of growth between the upper or lower jaw, it causes disturbance in facial balance. The long term outcome of such jaw abnormality can present as over growth or undergrowth of either or both jaw which causes cosmetic as well as functional problem like chewing. An early diagnosis and treatment of such problems before 12 years of age helps in psychological well being of the child as well as minimises the chances of surgical cosmetic correction required in later life.

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